Casual Sex: 8 Essentials No One Tells You But You Should Know

For a very long time, free sex was inappropriate in a way that involved the use of body and flesh to please the flesh. It does not matter if sex is a basic human need. Or that every adult has the right to choose life without judgment. Or even that people should go out and have fun, as they wish.

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No. Defenders of ethics are committed to publicizing anti-sexism without the commitment of relationships. And the burden of shame and humiliation so heavily falls on women, as does the opposite of patriarchy.

But in spite of the lawless dictatorships of society, people have regained their sexual orientation and the freedom to enjoy the pleasures that their bodies can afford. There is no reason why you should not. To navigate your way better, here are some important tips that will make your regular cruise smoother.

Some Keys to Enjoying Unprotected Sex:

1. Permission must be continued and negotiable

Whether it is a long-term relationship or a one-night stand, the permit must go hand in hand. Before, during, after sex, you have every right to delete the object whenever you feel something is blocked. Or if the day is wrong and you just are not in it.

Do not blame yourself for indulging in something to benefit your partner or to avoid the danger of offending him or her. Permission is not negotiated on both sides. Respect them and you enough to agree.

2. At home, listen to your friend meet as a guest

When you bring a friend home, it is only a matter of the law that you convey the same hospitality – mistakeā€¦ one of you – as you would a regular visitor. Make sure you return to a clean home, a clean place, and a place where your partner feels comfortable, even for a short time.

Couple Embracing On Home Couch
Couple Embracing On Home Couch

We are not talking about roses of love and the light of emotions. That would take you far away from the unusual connection. And you don’t want to come out too strong, do you? Check the basics – food, water, pillows, sheets.

3. You have the right to ask your partner for their sexual health history

It may seem that the fast-paced culture of communication shows little value in safe sexual acts (“Who’s having time?”). But is there another sexual orientation that requires as much intellectual as possible, as is common with most of the cohorts, their subsequent partners? The constant danger of STD is hell.

Stay up-to-date on your regular health check-ups and get confirmation from your colleague about their condition.

4. Keep protection, birth control, toys, lubricants close

If you are swimming in a pool of water, then equipping yourself with the necessary weapons is the right to safe, healthy sex. Condoms and contraceptives? Check. Toys and other contraptions? Check. Permission? Check.

Ladies, do not hesitate to keep the protection of men close – do not think of it as the work of a male partner. Carrying a condom is a sign of sexual commitment; it is you who decides when, where and how. Moreover, safe sex is a style.

5. It is best to avoid sticking to one side

Free sex is called sex for a reason. Meeting. No strings attached. Emotional investments are placed in a separate area divided by romantic preferences, relationship agreements and romantic fulfillment. As for casual sex, the very features of it do not fit into these labels, because those involved go on to expect only present happiness and no further commitment.

Make it clear right from the start what you want. Tell them (you too) that the attachments are not on these contact cards. No social networking friendliness, no tracking interaction, little contact.

6. Do not shy away from setting boundaries

Set certain rules in bed – in what is not allowed and what you allow – before entering into a hot business. Women should not compromise their comfort and convenience only to achieve their sexual satisfaction with their partners. Drive a gun, as your sex agency forces you to do so.

Not comfortable with trying for a position? Say it. No kisses? Announce it aloud. Is there anything wrong with that? It’s okay to say stop.

7. Discard the case

In India, especially among women, there continues to be a subtle sense of guilt about enjoying free sex or premarital sex or polygamy. Sexual union and independence have been racist in our society forever, under the condition that the ‘morality’ of sexual relations lies in the ‘pure’ of your intentions – procreation goes very well while pleasure is at a very low level.

But what are the reasons for this case? Cultural preservation? Culture? Who decides the best level of this?

Patriarchy pulls the strings, more or less. Don’t pay attention. You do it yourself.

8. Relax! If today does not go well, there is always tomorrow

Keeping it simple and airy is the way you should go when you wander into casual sex. Let your hair relax and enjoy the ride. It is one thing to stick to a committed relationship with your partner who can meet your sexual needs. With hookups, one does not have to worry about permanently waiting for orgasm.


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