Shraddha Kapoor is seen sitting on top of Tiger Shroff Video which is going viral on social media Fans of various poses are very much liked and a video is seen going viral on social media.
Let us tell you that earlier another video of Sharda Kapoor was going viral where she was wearing a very hot dress on her birthday, here she had become a victim of oops moment and you also got to see Tiger Shroff with Sharda Kapoor. Had happened.
You all know that both Shraddha Kapoor and Tiger Shroff are found to be active on social media, at that time they upload their photos and videos, whose science is always liked and commented on their photos and videos. Photos and videos go viral.
In this video you can clearly see Sharda Kapoor sitting in Tiger Shroff’s lap, where people are very much liked where Shraddha Kapoor is seen in a bright dress where she is very hot. And right there Tiger Shroff is seen in a bright colored short, in which Bihari is looking smart.