The Japanese anime Demon Slayer is one of the most popular among the genre. Despite being relatively recent, the series has gained strong popularity and fans all over the world. Many cosplay producers are inspired by characters from the series for their productions.
One of the most remembered figures in cosplay productions is the character Mitsuri. With her sweet and seductive appearance, the character yields many female cosplays that are inspired by her flashy style. Get a better understanding of Uzui’s story in Demon Slayer below.
Mitsuri Kanroji is Hashira of love among demon hunters. Her physical strength is great and for that reason she suffered prejudice in her youth. Mitsuri is an emotional and passionate girl, her personality is sweet and affectionate. When she was born, Mitsuri was noted for her extraordinary physical strength. She ate a lot more than a normal person and this overeating developed her hair color unnaturally.