Esha Gupta was seen wooing Baba Nirala. There is no problem in doing intimate scenes with Bobby Deol

Esha Gupta was seen wooing Baba Nirala. There is no problem in doing intimate scenes with Bobby Deol: Hello friends as we all know that today i.e. on June 3, Ashram 3 has been released. Like every time, this time too Bobby Deol is seen in the role of Baba. The first 2 parts were very much liked by the audience. Maybe that’s why Ashram 3 has come once again.

But today we are going to talk about what has been said by Bobby Deol as well as actress Esha Gupta about the intimate scene. Yes friends, you have heard right that this time like every time, more intimate scenes of next level are being seen than you thought. But actress Esha Gupta says if the actor is good then there is no problem in doing intimate scenes.

Esha Gupta was seen wooing Baba Nirala. There is no problem in doing intimate scenes with Bobby Deol

If there is an intimate scene then it should be shown as an intimate scene and if there is a love scene then it should be shown as a love scene in front of the audience. If there is no problem with intimate scenes in personal life, then there is no problem in doing intimate scenes. Because Bobby Deol has a lot of experience of intimate scenes in the film industry, that is why there is no problem in doing intimate scenes.

Want to tell once again that today Ashram 3 has been released and once again some more are seen in front of Baba Public and behind the scenes. If you have seen Ashram 3, then how do you like it, you can write in the comment box. Will the web series be a flop in the future or a superhit, you can also tell us about it. If you liked the information, then you can like share and comment for maximum.


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